Mimeria: Princesas Disney Passo a Passo Cavalo Princesa Aurora Bela Adormecida

Princesas Disney Passo a Passo Cavalo Princesa Aurora Bela Adormecida


1. Print and cut out the template, and then trace it onto a sheet of cardstock. Flip the template over and trace it onto a second sheet of cardstock. Cut out the tracings and use one for the front of the horse and the other for the back.
2. Using the template as a guide, draw the detail lines and facial features on both the front and back horse pieces with a gray colored pencil.
Tip: To make it easier, you can place the template on top and use a regular pencil to draw over the lines using enough pressure to leave a light imprint on the horse pieces. Then you can go over the imprints with the colored pencil.
3. Paint the hooves black and the shading on the far legs and underbelly gray as shown (don't forget to paint both the front and back horse pieces).
4. Continue using the gray paint to fill in the shaded areas on the chest, neck, and around the cheeks as shown. Fill in the nostrils as well. Next, paint the blaze along the top of the face white. Once the white dries, use the black marker to outline the eyes and then fill them in with white paint. Mix together a little pink and gray paint and use it to paint the ears. Finally, use the black marker to color in the eye pupils and eyebrows.
5. When the paint dries, retrace the detail lines in the gray shaded areas with the colored pencil, if needed.
6. Coat both of the painted horse pieces with glue sealer and allow them to dry thoroughly. This will protect the paint and keep the pencil lines from smudging.
7. For the tail, gather ten 12-inch pieces of cotton yarn or pearl cotton in a bunch and tie another piece tightly around the middle. For the mane, cut a bunch of 6-inch lengths of cotton yarn or pearl cotton and divide them into groups of 4 or 5 strands. Tie each group with another piece of yarn, as you did the tail. You'll need 13 or so groups to complete the mane and forelock.
8. Place the back horse piece painted side down. Use a glue dot to attach the top of the tail to the rump, positioning it as shown. Then apply glue dots along the upper neck and attach mane sections, placing them close together until you reach the ears.
9. For the forelock, stick one of the mane sections to the base of ears, as shown, and then pull the yarn strands forward toward the face, as shown.
10. Now it's time to create a pair of stands so the finished horse can be set upright. For each stand, use pliers to bend the curved portion in the center of a paper clip so that it sticks straight up, as shown. The short end of the clip will be the front of the stand and the long end will be the back.
11. To attach the stands to the horse, first place the back horse piece (the one with the mane and tail attached) painted side down on a tabletop or cutting board so that the hooves are at the edge. Wrap a glue dot around the upright portion of each paperclip stand. Attach one stand to the right hind hoof and the other to the right front hoof, as shown.
12. Now you're ready to join the two horse halves. Brush an even coat of tacky glue on the inner back piece, going right over the knotted portions of the tail and mane sections as well as around the attached portions of the paperclip stands. Don't forget the tips of the ears.
13. Set the front horse piece in place on top of the glued back piece, carefully matching up all of the edges. Press the two halves together firmly, using pinch-style clothespins to hold the layers together wherever needed until the glue dries.
14. Remove the clothespins and trim the mane to about 2 inches long, the forelock to about 1.5 inches long, and the tail to about 4.5 inches long.
15. Stand the horse up. Ideally, the front and back of each paper clip should rest on the tabletop. If not, you may need to adjust one or both of the stands. To do so, firmly pinch the lower leg and hoof between your fingertips to stabilize the leg while gently leveling the bottom of the stand. It might take a couple of tries to get it right, but you shouldn't have to move the clip too much. If all else fails, you can simply use a rolled piece of masking tape to stick the back of the stand to the tabletop.
16. For Samson's decorative harness, cut notches in two long strips of black paper. Wrap the strips around the chest and rump and use glue dots to hold them in place.

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