I like 3D paper things, and multiples of things, and Valentine's Day.
The other night I made these paper hearts while watching TV. You could stick them on a wall or door temporarily, or glue them to a board permanently to make a 3D wall poster. They'd be cool to attach to presents, too. Surprise somebody with an explosion of hearts!
These are made from traditional heart shapes with a slit cut partway down the center. Cut your own hearts freehand, or print and cut out the shapes on the template I made, which might be faster and uses fewer brain cells.
To make a flat heart into something three dimensional, roll the inner edges of the two arcs toward the back with your fingers to get the shape started.
Then add a bit of glue or double-stick tape along one edge. Pinch the two edges of the heart together from the back, forcing the center to naturally pop up.
When the edges are glued together, the heart looks 3D.
I used bits of double-stick tape to secure mine—a speedy method—but a few of the hearts popped apart within a couple days and had to be re-stuck. Glue holds better, I found.
Once you get the hang of it, you can bend that paper to your will and make dozens.
Then stick a flock of hearts to a wall with loops of tape or poster putty placed at the bottom point on the back side of each shape. - See more at: http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/wall-of-paper-hearts.html#sthash.vE2GVbFb.dpuf
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